You will conclude that God is a divine person with whom you can also have an intimate relationship. Through the enumerated experiences of the patriarchs, judges, and kings of Israel, you will come to understand the consistent character attributes of God as a person over the course of history. You will walk with David through the ups and downs of his life, identify with his struggles, and understand how life's experiences drew him into a close relationship with God. You will be amazed by the sheer number of historically documented conversations Moses had with God, and understand how these encounters transformed Moses from a polytheist into one of history's greatest spokesmen for monotheism and the pursuit of a personal relationship with the God of heaven. Your understanding of the character of God will be enriched as you see Him through the eyes of Abraham over the course of their 100-year relationship.

In this book, you will learn how many historically documented conversations Adam had with God and see that Adam's God moved with purpose in each of His encounters with Adam. The approach to the study of the Bible presented in this book will completely change how you read the Bible and how you perceive the divine author of the Bible. In this book, you see the God of the Bible as a divine person encountered by the men and women of the Bible. Into His Presence uses historically documented experiences of a number of important people with God over thousands of years as the lens through which to help you understand the character of God as a person.

The God of the Bible is not a concept to be studied but a divine person each of us can and should encounter personally.